My blog will be a little different from most as I like my newest posts last instead of if you have been here before, just scroll down to the latest post :o)
6-04-10...I got a 4x8 sheet of builders foam today and had the lumber yard cut it in half. It was too big for the car so they delivered it.
I can just hear all the old ladies in the complex buzzing about me getting a delivery from a lumber
6-05-10...I cut the pieces as my plan required...then pitched them. It was a mess. I took a deep breath and started over. First I cut the base and then cut and finished one wall at a time. Eaiser for me. I plastered the outside in dark gray and the inside in light tan before placeing it on the base. A friend went to WalMart and got me a tube of Liquid Nails. I am very pleased with the way it holds the foam.
I made the windows from sculpy and placed wooden shutters in the open position. Then plastered the inside of the window to cover the pink foam and made a window frame from sculpy also.
6-08-10...I started the roof trusses today. I am using balsa wood, in 1/8 X 1/4 and have made a "sorta" jig to make them all the same. I will put 6 of them the length of the roof. This room will be the kitchen and I plan on hanging pans and stuff and a candle light from them.
I will have some pictures to post soon. WalMart says my new camera should be here by Friday.
Well, my camera isn't here yet, but, my Aid took some pics with her phone. So, here is my progress so far :o)

This is the window made from sculpy.

I built the trusses to support the roof and to hang pots and candle lamps from.

Not a great pic, the shutters are really cute :o(

I made the inside window frames from sculpy also.
6-11-10...I couldn't sleep last night so I started my castle stove.

Making the logs and the fire for the stove.

Can't see the fire in there very well :o(

This is the 1st wall for the tower.
6-12-10...My niece went to get my camera today so I have some new pics :o)

Now you can see the shutters.

Actually, I am very pleased with the that bragging??? LOL

The wall is just propped up there for now. Just wanted to get an idea of what it would look like.

I just scored the foam and then painted it. I isn't as good as some others' I have seen, but, I like

Now all I have to do is finish the windows, put shingles on the roof, and add pots, pans, dried herbs and such.

Here is a close up of my scullery maid....Painting faces is NOT my